Day 23

First off happy birthday to Grant Swicegood....we all wish we could ball like Grant

Quote of the Day: “It’s not really going to feel like home until we’re sitting at our kitchen tables enjoying a home cooked meal.” –Grant Swicegood

Today was the last day that we were woken up to our wonderful counselors faces. They all took advantage of the opportunity by enthusiastically banging pots and pans around at 6:00 AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was a bittersweet morning when we loaded up the bus and vans and headed towards home to say our goodbyes. Today was our last Walmart trip. L A few participants were dared to walk up and hug the Walmart Greeters. Although there was no McDonalds in sight, we were given a Delicious breakfast by the cooks, which included bagels with a choice of cream cheese or nutella and strawberries.

When Grant got on the bus, the first thing he said was “Raise your hand if youre wearing chaco’s”. When literally the entire bus raised their hands, Matt’s first action was to grab a can of air freshener and spray the bus. Dallas felt the need to spray her feet because her feet smelt the worst.

As we drove back into the beautiful North Carolina we all jammed out to our TWB playlist. As we crossed into NC, we all screamed the lyrics to “Gone to Carolina in my Mind” and “Wagon Wheel”. We felt closer to each other than ever.

On the ride to another pit stop, we enjoyed our “Last Supper” together on the vehicles:  Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with a side of “nanners” (bananas).  What a surprise LOL!!!!!!!

Our next stop was a rest stop on the edge of Mooresville, NC. We all worked together to finish up our jobs for the last time. We made our vehicles squeaky clean to impress our family and friends and make it easier on our awesome bus driver Mr. G.

Josh and Grant goofing around "breaking laws" while we cleaned vans

We quickly rolled down the familiar I-77 highway and pulled in to a church where we quickly unloaded everything.  On the way we had a special surprise waiting for us on the side of the road....Grant's family!

We found a space...and the craziness ensued.  Lost and found was yelling names, counselors from the gift boxes were yelling names, we were trying to pack everything in one big pile of our own was wild.  Once we had checked lost and found and gotten all of the gifts we bought for friends and family, we loaded all of our stuff in groups so we could quickly get it once we arrived at the community center.  Then came the hardest part of the trip...the goodbyes.

We listened to Grant and the counselors say their last few words, and then turned to one another and with tears flowing down our faces, said our goodbyes.  The tears were full of sorrow and joy, acceptance and love.  This family may be heading in many directions, but it will forever be a family of love and unity.

Thank you Sofy Saiz for uploading some goodbye photos to share.

As we listened to our most memory filled TWB songs, we rolled toward Mallard Creek Community Center with a blender of emotions.  We were all ready to be home and see friends and family, but we wanted to be with our TWB family forever.  Many of us even chanted for the bus to break down just so we could have a few more minutes together.  As we rounded the final curve and could see the crowds of people waiting on us, the tears came yet again.  We unloaded for the last time and sprinted towards a shower of hugs, kisses, gifts, and love.  We gathered for one last sing-along that was no indication of how good they had been lately...but the feelings were just as real.  Goodbye summer of 2016....Thank you for all the memories you hold and we will forever cherish you.

Thank you Sloan Edemann for the uploads of our return.

Just a quick shout out to all of our amazing counselors, you really made this experience a trip of a lifetime. We will miss all of you and we love you guys! J

Deuces- The Grumpies J