Grant Deaton- Program Director
HELLO AMERICA! My name is Grant Deaton and this is my 17th year traveling across this amazing country with TWB. I started going out west in 1996 and 1997 as a participant. In 2001, I began traveling as a counselor and became the tour director in 2003. It was such an honor and privilege to take on the role of Program Director in 2016. Words cannot express how excited I am about traveling out west again this summer with such an incredible group of young people. We are going to have a blast!
I just finished my 12th year of working in education as a Technology Facilitator in Rowan-Salisbury Schools. I enjoy golfing, mountain biking, backpacking, as well as hanging out with my family and dogs. My wife, Kitch, and I are extremely blessed to have three wonderful little boys in our lives. Connor (5 years old), Brandon (3 years old) and Samuel (1 year old) bring so much joy to our family. I will miss them so much this summer.
Enjoying every minute of life is so important to me. Going out west every year with the best young people God has to offer is the best way to spend a summer in my mind. I can't wait to see you soon!!
Matt Harkey - Director
I've made my way from high school student in Gastonia, NC; to college and grad school student in Chapel Hill; to high school counselor in Durham, where I've worked for a handful of years now. I try to play soccer, basketball, and frisbee to get off the couch, and I try to keep up with my Hornets, Tar Heels, Panthers, Braves, and US Soccer. I love to read but don't do it enough and there's no excuse. Same for hiking/camping/backpacking. Play for me that music you really like but aren't sure if others do.
Participants, do yourselves favors:
1) Do your research - it's pretty lame and kind of ruins the moment if you are underprepared.
2) Underpack - please trust me and/or talk to a past participant.
3) Show up with an open heart and open mind.
"...even the richest personality is nothing before he has chosen himself, and on the other hand, even what might be called the poorest personality is everything when he has chosen himself. For the great thing is not to be this or that, but to be oneself, and every person can be that if he wants." - Søren Aabye Kierkegaard
Josh Kerns
Ever since I took my own TWB trip the summer of 2006, my junior year at Hopewell High School, I have dreamed of being a counselor on this trip. This will be my third time as a TWB counselor, and I consider myself beyond blessed to have been be given this opportunity, and from the looks of it, this trip is going to be AWESOME!

As you probably guessed from the PE portion, I am a sports nut. It doesn’t matter if it is a game of football, sport I’ve never tried, or simply a game of cards, I love competition and think that it is one of the best ways to really get to know someone. The second best way, GO OUT WEST WITH THEM!
A little about me:
- First and foremost I am blessed in so many ways by a gracious God who loves me
- I just got engaged to the wonderful and beautiful Katti Caraballo who is a counselor on Trip 2 this year.
- I am OBSESSED with the Carolina Panthers and could talk about them for days (23 days to be exact)
- Like I said, sports nut, football, golf and basketball being my favorites
- I have been a camp counselor at a variety of camps, one for children with autism and other camps for middle and high school kids
- I play guitar and sing (not well but I do enjoy it) and sometimes write songs
- I love the outdoors, exploring, and being active in any way
- I have a strong sense of patriotism with 2 brothers in the military and seeing this nation is a humble reminder of what they are fighting for
- I love this trip with all my heart! I believe in this program and I have felt and witnessed how it is a life changing experience
The rest will have to be discovered on our journey together! I can’t wait to meet you, get to know you, and share this adventure with you (unless you are a Falcons fan…kidding….kinda). What happens on TWB, doesn’t stay on TWB, it stays with you forever!
Ty Brown
Hellooooo TWB trip 1, my name is Ty Brown. I was on trip 1 2010 and the only thing I've thought about since I returned from my trip is how I'm gonna go back out west with the wildest bunch of rascals this side of the Mississippi.
EMS and Rescue is a big passion of mine and I enjoy working towards bettering my skills daily. I also enjoy dogs, everything outdoors, building, and general adventure. I couldn't be more excited for this trip, it's gonna be a good one.
Sarah Henderson
summer! I graduated from Appalachian State (Go ‘Neers) in December of last year with a
degree in Middle Grades (aka the best years ever: Middle School) Education with Math and
Science Concentrations. I currently live in Raleigh and I will start my first ‘big girl’ job working at
a Middle School teaching 6th grade science in the fall! A few of my favorite things: Diet DP,
Chick-Fil- A, oreo mint milkshakes from cookout, country music, watching football on Sundays
and laughing!
I fell in LOVE with TWB when I went in 2009 and always dreamed of becoming a counselor and I can’t believe that this summer it is actually coming true! I met some of my life long friends on
TWB and I am so excited for you to find those people and to share the experience with you!
Get ready for your mind to be blown at the beauty of America and to have the experience of
your life!
Can’t wait to meet y’all on June 18!!
Dallas Godbold
Hello TWB!!!!!! Who is excited to go out West????
I’m Dallas Godbold, and I am from the great town of Mooresville, North Carolina. I actually had Grant as teacher when I was in high school (lucky me!!). I went on TWB the summer of 2010 and it was by far the best experience of my life! I do not have enough words to tell you how excited I am to spend the next 23 days with you all! It has been a dream of mine to go back as a counselor since I stepped off the bus in 2010!
I graduated from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in May of 2015 with a degree in Elementary Education! I am almost finished with my first year teaching 4th grade at Jamestown Elementary! I really tried hard to impress my students this year with some fantastic rap songs about math, but I’m not t sure it worked! I also spent my Sunday morning as a small group leader for elementary students at my church in Greensboro!
In my free time, I love to read, walk in the park, snapchat (does that count s a hobby?) and go to coffee shops! How has it taken me this long to tell you that I love coffee!?!?!?! Okay a few of my other favorite things, Reese’s peanut butter pretzels, okay if I’m being honest, I really just love anything with peanut butter!
I hope you will laugh at my jokes, because I think they are really funny. I hope you are ready for some awesome dance parties, please come prepared to show your best dance moves! But most of all, I hope you are ready for the best summer ever!!!